Galnam Village Hotel
Galnam, village hoteL
Turning a Port Village into Village Hotel
Samcheok_ Gangwondo _ South Korea
2018_Urban Strategy, Concept, Detail Design, under construction
Galnam is one of the few untouched port villages on the East coast of South Korea in Gangwon Province, one of the most popular areas of the peninsula for tourist during summer season. Most of the adjacent villages to Galnam have been developed in order to attract more tourism so that they can increase their income, but unfortunately the development has not been taking in account the preservation of the essence of the place. Galnam village still has the chance to be “rescued” and become the jewel of the East Coast.
The Galnam Village hotel will start by developing an empty plot where new accommodations will be built. Those will set up the standards for the village hotel. In the future the owners of the empty dwellings and rooms will be able to be part of the village hotel after refurbishing or reconstructing their properties meeting the set standards.
As part of phase 1 a support center will also be built. This building will provide all the basic amenities required to provide the level of comfort and quality expected from the village hotel. The Support center will also work as the lobby and public amenities of the hotel. This investment is extremely essential because it will function as the core of the business plan. Without the basic services and facilities expected from a hotel the income from tourism for the residents gets compromised.